The Cards:
The tarot cards consist of 78 cards that are split into two main sections called the Major Arcana (containing 22 cards) and the Minor Arcana (containing four suits, namely:
The Suit of Wands,
The Suit of Cups,
The Suit of Swords and
The Suit of Pentacles
Each suit in turn consists of 14 cards each).

The Minor Arcana Cards - The Suit of Wands
(14 cards) represent the following:

* The three fiery astrological signs of Leo, Aries & Sagittarius
* The element of fire
* The career aspect of our daily lives
* The letter Yod (Primal Energy) of the Tetragrammaton

The Minor Arcana Cards - The Suit of Cups
(14 cards) represent the following:
* The three watery astrological signs of Pisces, Cancer & Scorpio
* The element of water
* The emotional aspect of our daily lives
* The letter Heh (Emergence of Energy into Form) of the Tetragrammaton

The Minor Arcana Cards - The Suit of Swords
(14 cards) represent the following:

* The three airy astrological signs of Gemini, Libra & Aquarius
* The element of air
* The menal aspect of our daily lives
* The letter Vah (Stabilisation of Form) of the Tetragrammaton

The Minor Arcana Cards
The Suit of Pentacles
(14 cards) represent the following:

* The three earthy astrological signs of Taurus, Capricorn & Virgo
* The element of earth
* The mental aspect of our daily lives
* The letter Heh [final] (Completion of Energy into Form) of the Tetragrammaton

All Pages are attributed to the Element of Earth
All Knights are attributed to the element of Fire
All Queens are attributed to the Element of Water
All Kings are attributed to the element of Air



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